Saturday, July 25, 2020

Welcome to the weblog for USS Barb - SSN 596

This is my third attempt at creating a USS Barb web presence.  I'm following in the footsteps of the late Britt Meyerhoffer, who did a much better job than I've managed to do so far.

The first was a forum-based web page, and the second one was an actual web page that I began in 2015, with a domain.  It was expensive, and got more expensive every year.

This time I'm going with a weblog format, which I'm fairly confident I can keep going.  I've been with blogger for 15 years on other blogs.  It's reliable, I'm comfortable with it after many years of use, and best of all, it's free.

In the near future, I'll start an "In Memoriam" page to acknowledge those who have passed on.  Contributions are welcome. I'll probably once again create "Sea Stories" and "Photos" pages as well.  If you decide to share photos or stories, approximate dates and names will be very much appreciated - thank you in advance!

As time permits, I will be posting what was on the earlier website, as well as useful links.  

Best wishes,

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